
Vor einiger Zeit haben wir Ihnen an dieser Stelle die Geschichte des ehemaligen Slummädchens Madhavi Bahadurs vorgestellt und Ihnen versprochen, weitere ehemalige Schützlinge Prem Dans zu portraitieren und sie zu Wort kommen zu lassen. Beim Besuch Madhavis an ihrem Arbeitsplatz bei Desai Consultiing stellten wir erfreut fest, dass zwei weitere ehemalige Patenkinder in der Beratungsfirma eine sichere und gut dotierte Anstellung gefunden haben. Alaguneela Anbu, die als 10-Jährige ins Internat-/ Waisenheim Prem Dans in Kharghar aufgenommen wurde, durchlief das Bildungsprogramm mit großem Erfolg. Ermöglicht wurde ihr das durch die Unterstützung der Familie Bienemann, bei der wir uns auch im Namen Alaguneelas herzlichst bedanken.

Alaguneelas Gedanken über Ihre Zeit in der Obhut Schwester Felicities im Orginal – eine ins Deutsche übersetzte Version schicken wir Ihnen gerne zu (

„…Prem Dan which means ‚Gift of Love‘ has nourished my life helping me to bloom into a beautiful flower. Today, as I stand on my own feet facing the world and recollect my past, I regard Mother Felicity as the most important person in building my career and life. I thank God for bringing a wonderful person like her into the reality of my life.

I come from a family background where it was difficult for my parents to provide me with education. I grew up under the shadow of the home built by Mother at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. I joined this in the year 1991 in my 7th standard. The sisters at this place especially Sr. Madeleine, Sr Philomena, Sr. Tracy and then in the later years Sr. Patricia, Sr. Usha, Sr Nirmala, Sr Helen, Sr. Carmen, Sr. Antonette and the others who I have come across have played a vital role in directing and guiding me on the right path. It would have not been possible for me to graduate with a first class without the moral support from them. I have grown up more with them than my own parents.

alaguneela anbuwww1 Today, I work with one of India’s leading Educational Consultants ‚Madhavi Desai consulting India Pvt.Ltd.‘ at Worli and earn upto my expectations. I really like the work scenario and all my colleagues. It is a firm run by only females including our boss ‚Madhavi Desai‘.

Last but not the least I thank each and every member who have been a part and parcel in the instrumentation of my life including the nuns who have been the pillars of my life, teachers who have taught me ever since I was a child, my sponsor for the financial support .

I strongly believe that given a chance each one will utilize the opportunity provided and flourish with flying colours.

—– Alaguneela Anbu. ……“

Was wird aus unseren Patenkindern? – Alaguneelas Geschichte


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